Everything about greenhouses

The Right Choice of Tapes for Cellular Polycarbonate: Key to Long-Term Protection

The Right Choice of Tapes for Cellular Polycarb...

The Importance of Proper Tape Selection Choosing the right tape is crucial for maintaining the aesthetics and integrity of polycarbonate over time. An incorrect tape choice can lead to costly...

The Right Choice of Tapes for Cellular Polycarb...

The Importance of Proper Tape Selection Choosing the right tape is crucial for maintaining the aesthetics and integrity of polycarbonate over time. An incorrect tape choice can lead to costly...

5 Common Greenhouse Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Greenhouse Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

A greenhouse is an excellent tool for extending the growing season and protecting plants, but it’s important to avoid the most common mistakes in its use. Discover the five key...

5 Common Greenhouse Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

A greenhouse is an excellent tool for extending the growing season and protecting plants, but it’s important to avoid the most common mistakes in its use. Discover the five key...

Polkrožni rastlinjak iz polikarbonata z odprtimi strešnimi okni za prezračevanje. Rastlinjak stoji na utrjenem tleh, obdan z urejeno vrtno površino. Nebo je rahlo oblačno, kar ustvarja prijetno vzdušje za rast rastlin znotraj rastlinjaka.

Ventilation and Humidity Control in Greenhouses

This post discusses the importance of ventilation and humidity control in polycarbonate greenhouses and tunnels. Proper ventilation and humidity levels are essential for healthy plant growth and preventing diseases and...

Ventilation and Humidity Control in Greenhouses

This post discusses the importance of ventilation and humidity control in polycarbonate greenhouses and tunnels. Proper ventilation and humidity levels are essential for healthy plant growth and preventing diseases and...

Tri generacije družine, ki se smejejo in uživajo pri obiranju zrelih paradižnikov v svojem rastlinjaku, mladenič pa drži leseno škatlo, polno svežih paradižnikov

When to Plant Tomatoes in a Greenhouse: The Bes...

Unlock the secrets to a successful tomato harvest with our detailed guide to growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Learn the best planting times, essential care tips, and the optimal conditions...

When to Plant Tomatoes in a Greenhouse: The Bes...

Unlock the secrets to a successful tomato harvest with our detailed guide to growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Learn the best planting times, essential care tips, and the optimal conditions...

Polikarbonatni rastlinjak z odprtimi vrati, obdan z zelenjem in drevesi na sončen dan.

Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the ...

Greenhouses are essential for passionate gardeners, allowing extended growing seasons and plant protection. Choosing the right greenhouse involves considering materials, size, and equipment.

Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the ...

Greenhouses are essential for passionate gardeners, allowing extended growing seasons and plant protection. Choosing the right greenhouse involves considering materials, size, and equipment.


Attractive Offer: Buy a Storage Tent and Rent I...

Buying a storage tent and renting it out through the Rentanook platform is an extremely advantageous opportunity for quickly recouping your investment. With just 1400 euros for the tent, you...

Attractive Offer: Buy a Storage Tent and Rent I...

Buying a storage tent and renting it out through the Rentanook platform is an extremely advantageous opportunity for quickly recouping your investment. With just 1400 euros for the tent, you...