Polkrožni rastlinjak iz polikarbonata z odprtimi strešnimi okni za prezračevanje. Rastlinjak stoji na utrjenem tleh, obdan z urejeno vrtno površino. Nebo je rahlo oblačno, kar ustvarja prijetno vzdušje za rast rastlin znotraj rastlinjaka.

Ventilation and Humidity Control in Greenhouses

Optimal Conditions for Plant Growth in Polycarbonate Greenhouses

Proper climate conditions are essential for the successful growth and development of plants in polycarbonate greenhouses and garden tunnels. Humidity control is crucial for processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration, and gas exchange. Proper humidity levels influence nutrient absorption and help maintain plant turgor, affecting their firmness and appearance.

Ventilation and humidity control are vital for crop quality. Condensation and mold pose a threat to plants, as they can lead to diseases and infections. Therefore, monitoring conditions and implementing preventive measures are necessary.

The ideal temperature for garden tunnels depends on the plant species. For instance, peppers thrive at temperatures between 20–25°C, while lettuce prefers 15–20°C. Gradual temperature changes help prevent plant stress, especially during transplantation.

Humidity Control in Polycarbonate Greenhouses and Tunnels

Excess humidity increases the risk of fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as condensation on leaves and fruits. Low humidity can lead to leaf drying and limited plant growth. Ventilation is a basic method for controlling humidity and enhancing plant growth in polycarbonate greenhouses. A well-planned ventilation system, either through roof windows or side ventilation systems, helps maintain optimal humidity and temperature.

Automation of Humidity Control

Modern technology enables the automation of humidity control using sensors and control systems.

To efficiently automate humidity control and optimize plant growth in greenhouses, consider the following products from our range:

  • PRO Irrigation System for 72 Plants: Perfect for automated watering, ensuring optimal moisture levels for your plants. Learn more

  • Irrigation System Timer: Precisely set watering schedules to reduce water usage and labor. Learn more

  • Automatic Window Opener: Ensures automatic greenhouse ventilation based on temperature. Learn more

The Importance of Passive and Mechanical Ventilation

Passive ventilation, such as opening windows and doors, is often used in smaller polycarbonate greenhouses but has its limitations. Mechanical ventilation provides independence from weather conditions and ensures precise control of greenhouse conditions. Moisture protection systems, such as films and nets, are also important, preventing condensation and reducing the risk of diseases.

Proper cultivation practices and humidity control are essential for plant health and successful growth.

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